How To Create A Focus Motivation App Like Forest
Mobile app development
Custom Focus Motivation App Development
Researchers are recognizing that constant mobile phone usage and the distraction it presents to the user creates deep-rooted problems for the user. People are unable to focus on day-to-day activities and are constantly stimulated by the nonstop barrage of information and stimulation on offer by their mobile phones and easy internet connectivity.
Many users themselves are recognizing the problem and are trying to find a solution to this. Many apps are being launched that provide the users an ability to track time given to actual life and day to day work instead of aimless mobile browsing.
One such app is Forest. The Forest app tracks the time taken by the user on aimless browsing and blacklisted websites and apps. If the user limits the time spent on sites and apps a tree will grow on the app screen which can be viewed by the user. If the user can’t resist the urge to browse aimlessly, the tree will wither and die. A real tree will be planted to match the virtual trees grown. Users can see the Forest they have grown and the trees generated by them over time. This app allows users to increase their focus, reduce mobile time and feel a sense of accomplishment by contributing to the environment as well.
Forest is unique in the sense that a virtual accomplishment is converted into a real-world accomplishment and users don’t feel burdened about changing their habits. It has a game-like feel and users can track their progress and accomplishment without being preached about.
Forest App: An Introduction
Forest defines itself as a Focus motivation app. It helps its users to enhance focus both in terms of intensity and duration. Whether a user is working at the office, studying for exams, or just being with their family, a user has to enable the forest app and watch the tree grow. Any break in the routine activity for phone browsing will let the growing virtual tree die and punish the user with the graphic of a withered tree. Conversely, users who are able to stick to their actual schedule instead of getting distracted by phones will watch their tree grow. A fully grown tree will result in an actual tree plantation by a charitable organisation donation. Forest is one of the top paid apps on the Apple App store.
(Users can increase focus and accomplish more with apps like Forest)
Let’s take a look at the main Features of a Custom focus motivation app like Forest and the monetization aspect and a possible tech stack.
Key Features for Custom Focus Motivation App like Focus
Easy Login
Users can easily log in using social media or email IDs. Connecting the relevant APIs to the app can accomplish that.
Virtual Trees & Plants
Users can see a virtual tree that grows or dies based on the focus tasks accomplished by the user.
(Virtual tree is grown when a user focuses on actual tasks and not mobile browsing)
Forest View
In this view, a user can see all the trees he has grown as a forest and check out the overall progress he has made.
Charity Foundation Tieup
Users can select from the available options of charitable foundations who will plant a tree on behalf of him.
Payment Gateway
A secure payment gateway to make contributions to charitable organizations and for any other payment the app needs to collect from the user.
In this section, the user can see all the activity registered, all the trees grown, the time it has taken, and the most productive and unproductive hours or days. This deeper insight will provide the user with
The timer will record the time spent by the user away from the mobile phone and also on the mobile phone to reflect the three growth or withering.
Based on the user’s actions and activities and the number of trees grown virtually, a reward can be provided for additional encouragement. Users themselves might be able to offer rewards as a way to motivate each other.
App/Website Blacklist
Users can create a list of blacklisted websites and apps which are taking away their time and blacklist them. The app will then track the usage of the apps/websites and grow or wither the focus tree accordingly.
Monetizing the App
There are multiple ways of monetizing the app. The primary way is to charge a subscription fee or make the app download a paid one. As such you can also opt for freemium features. You can charge for some features that are additional and make them chargeable. There are multiple ways to monetize the app and it requires a careful balance of business strategy and utilising your customer base.
Tech Stack
The approximate technology stack of the app
- Kotlin for Android App
- Swift for ios app
- Node.js for back-end
- Cloud environment: AWS
- Online Payments: Paypal, & Braintree.
- Elastic email, email notifications
- Socket io for real-time notification
- Database: MongoDB, Hbase, Cassandra, Postgres, MailChimp Integration
- Google Maps
- Google Places
- Google Directions
- Firebase
- Facebook SDK for Facebook login
Tech Stack and Team
The following team may be needed for app development
- Business Analyst
- Project Manager
- UI/UX designer
- Android/ios developer
- Back-end developer
- Quality Analyst
- DevOps
Providing an app that can motivate users to increase their focus and improve their quality of life can be a huge hit if you design it well. You need to consult and filter through multiple expert opinions to select the right app design and features. Do drop us a line if you want to consult our experts with a strict NDA.